Exiled News

Tabletop, Board Game, and Video Game News

Kobayashi Fléaux! 

I was scouring the net since I can’t sleep, and I keep nocturnal hours. Something caught my eye on Kickstarter, something that is spelled Fléaux! but pronounced Flay-O. With the tagline ‘Tonight we bleed but tomorrow we’ll be rich!” – It’s down to about 3 hours on Kickstarter and we love (especially me) to call on Kickstarters that have done well beyond their original goal, but also to show Kickstarter RPGs that catch our eye. Kobayashi’s Flay-O did just that!

Spotlight on Ethan. H. Reynolds

As you know, by now. Exiled News doesn’t follow a strict plan, in fact, we have a bunch of contributors who fly by now and then. There are a few of us who work away at various posts to provide a snippet of news and an insight to creators large and small across the tabletop roleplaying game scene, boardgames, as well as video games.

So let me cut to the core and talk about Ethan. H. Reynolds for a little bit.